They're big, bionic copycats. Developed by German engineering company Festo, these artificial ants are about the size of a human hand, and mimic the cooperative behaviour of the real insects by making individual decisions that relate to a common goal.
Teamwork allows the ants to complete complex tasks they wouldn't be able to accomplish on their own, like moving a large object as they do in this video. A stereo camera in each ant's head helps it determine its location and identify objects that can be grabbed with grippers below its chin. Floor sensors also help the bots get a sense of their surroundings while they use a wireless network to communicate.
The design of the robots is also unique. Their plastic body is 3D-printed with electronic circuits overlaid on top with a machine. The ants' six legs and grippers are made from ceramic actuators that can bend quickly and precisely using little energy while remaining compact.
The goal of the project is to create intelligent agents that can work efficiently in factories of the future by adapting to different production requirements. Festo has already created robotic kangaroos that bounce on flexible blades,a bionic elephant's trunk
that can be trained to pick up objects, and mock penguins
that can swim or float through the air to monitor their environment.
The bionic ants will be presented next month at Hannover Messe, the world's biggest industrial technology trade fair, from 13 to 17 April, along with Festo's other recent creations, like cooperative artificial butterflies.
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