(Image: Christina K)
"WELL a very, very heavy ah heavy duit burtation tonight. We had a very deres dereson. But let's go ahead tarish tasen losh lobitt behend dupet". News reporter Serene Branson's unintelligible live TV commentary on the 53rd Grammy awards ceremony in 2011 made her an overnight internet sensation. As the paramedics attended, the worry was that she'd suffered a stroke live on air. Less-kind pundits blamed drugs, stage fright, or alcohol. In interviews shortly after, she revealed she'd been having a migraine.
I too have experienced this type of migraine "aura", though thankfully rather less publicly. In mid-sentence, with absolutely no warning, I began talking drivel. I couldn't find the right words, but I also couldn't stop myself garbling nonsensical phrases with similar starting sounds or patterns to the words I sought. I was mortified. A few minutes later I developed a steadily expanding blind ...
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