Worst Ebola outbreak blamed on political dithering

One year ago, the Ebola virus broke out for the first time in West Africa. Now, at least 24,000 cases and 10,000 deaths later, the worst-ever Ebola epidemic seems to be finally subsiding, though it is far from over. There are still more new cases per week than in any previous epidemic and Liberia, which briefly seemed to be free of the virus, announced a new case on Friday.

The first assessments of what allowed Ebola to spin out of control in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone are now trickling in. Fingers, unavoidably, are pointing at the World Health Organization. But a closer analysis shows the story is one of a dysfunctional international health system which the WHO has neither the means nor the power to lead, especially without support from national governments. That doesn't bode well for future outbreaks.

In a report published on Sunday, the aid group Médecins sans Frontières, which provided most of the medical care in the outbreak, says the WHO's lack of leadership prompted the United Nations to set up an emergency unit to manage the Ebola response, the first of its kind for a public health issue. MSF called the outbreak "unprecedented" on 31 March, because it had already spread so far, only to be contradicted by the WHO.

Treading too carefully

The WHO seems to have been trying to avoid alienating the affected countries, whose cooperation the organisation needed to tackle the outbreak at all. An investigation by the press agency AP criticises the WHO for not declaring a Public Health Emergency of International Concern, earlier than August. Leaked WHO internal reports show it knew in mid-April that known cases were the "tip of an iceberg" and "we need to change strategy urgently".

Declaring an international public health emergency was suggested in early June. But a leaked email from Sylvie Briand, WHO head of epidemics, said this would not help control the epidemic, as affected countries could "withdraw" and "imperil" open communications with the WHO.

In another leaked email a week later, WHO expert Pierre Formenty says Guinea wanted to understate case numbers to "reassure expatriates working in the mining industry" and prevent Saudi Arabia banning Guineans from the Hajj pilgrimage.

MSF says it told a high-level WHO meeting in June that it had reached its capacity in terms of the number of people it was able to care for – but if more resources could be committed, the Liberian outbreak could still be halted. "These warnings were again ignored, with horrendous consequences," the report states.

Hidden epidemic

MSF also blames the rest of the world for sending little help, especially medical staff, until cases were diagnosed in the US and Spain – something declaring an international public health emergency could have accelerated.

It also says a "hidden epidemic raged in Sierra Leone until May" and reignited the epidemic in neighbouring countries after controls had started beating it. MSF partly blames researchers from Metabiota, a US biomedical company, working in Sierra Leone before the outbreak started.

It says they refused to share surveillance information when MSF arrived in Sierra Leone in late April after the country had confirmed its first Ebola case, and found that in fact, "cases were everywhere".

Once again, the stumbling block seems to have been a lack of government openness. A Metabiota spokesman says the company "is not authorised to share any results in Sierra Leone to parties other than official government health authorities".

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