Hay fever: Are allergy seasons getting worse?

Tree pollens are a major irritant (Image: Jeremy Burgess/SPL)

The distribution and abundance of allergy-inducing pollen is changing, and this could certainly play a role in the hay fever epidemic – perhaps, as a result, more people are becoming sensitised or are seeking treatment for worsening symptoms.

Last September, invasive super-pollens made the news in the UK after they were detected in central England. The offending pollen was ragweed, a long-standing scourge for Americans with hay fever that has recently become established in parts of central and southern Europe – which is presumably where the pollen blew in from. Whether ragweed will establish itself further north is up for debate. "It's a very plastic plant; it can survive at cooler temperatures, but whether it can prosper is another question," says Roy Kennedy, director of the National Pollen and Aerobiology Research Unit in Worcester, UK.

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