Would I have the genome of my baby sequenced?

Finding out your newborn's genetic fate could soon be reality for parents. Helen Thomson looks at the moral dilemmas many of us may face

AT 31 years old, not a day goes by without overhearing one of my friends discuss the pros and cons of breast versus bottle, one buggy over another. Before long the topic may be to sequence or not to sequence.

From this month, parents in Boston will have the opportunity to take part in the BabySeq trial and have their baby's genetic future analysed and entered into their medical records. In doing so, the child's parents will find out if their infant is at risk of a range of medical conditions, some of which might be preventable.

It sounds like a good idea, an extension of the heel prick test that newborns already receive. But sequencing has the potential to reveal much more as time goes on and our knowledge of the genome increases – both about medical conditions and other traits.

"People will propose a number of disturbing scenarios," says co-leader of the trial, Robert Green at Harvard Medical School. "For example, could a parent discover something that makes them treat the child differently, or could a child grow up and face discrimination because of having certain gene mutations in their medical records?"

As a woman of child-bearing age, I'm certainly interested in technology that might help prevent any future child suffering with a preventable condition. The problem with genetic screening is that the results are never black and white.

Take Mary (not her real name), for example. She took part in MedSeq, an adult version of BabySeq that has been running for over a year. Of 100 healthy people who had their genome sequenced as part of the trial, Mary was one of a few who discovered a mutation associated with a life-threatening condition. She had a gene variant associated with long QT syndrome, which causes abnormal heart activity.

Self-fulfilling prophecy

Having survived into her 50s with no major health problems, she was told she was at risk of sudden cardiac death and shouldn't take certain medications. Could the stress of that knowledge make the diagnosis a self-fulfilling prophecy? What if she had known about it from birth – how different would her life have been? How do I prepare myself for finding out that kind of information about my future child?

And who's to say my child's genome won't end up in the wrong hands? Green says the MedSeq data will be kept under digital lock and key, but admits that there is no way to promise complete protection from foul play. Personally, I have faith in reactive laws that adapt to the changing landscape of personalised medicine – but I know people who think they aren't worth the paper they're written on. So how will my child feel?

Perhaps I should shy away from the whole thing, and be happy in my ignorance of their genetic future. But what if in 18 years' time, my teenager is now in the minority, part of a generation who had access to their genome from birth and used it to get ahead in life? "I think by the time the kid is 18, sequencing will be so common that healthcare without genomics would be almost unimaginable," says Green.

He could be right. When the price is right, people will inevitably demand this kind of genetic insight into their children's future. The BabySeq trial will give us a feel for the landscape ahead. Now that sounds like a good idea.

Read more: "Baby genes to be mapped at birth in medical first"

This article appeared in print under the headline "Is newborn sequencing for me?"

Issue 3016 of New Scientist magazine

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