2013 review: The year in technology

Read more: "2014 preview: 10 ideas that will matter next year"

Continuing revelations of the US National Security Agency's massive spying apparatus redefined the term "surveillance state" in 2013. But researchers are developing new technologies to preserve online freedoms, including private, secure wireless networks and ways of disguising web traffic.

The year has been about more than just spooks, of course: robots are taking architecture to superhuman heightsMovie Camera, computers are learning to diagnose and help treat depressionMovie Camera, and kids are learning to program computers even before they can read. Virtual reality is getting in on the act, too, with some of the most exciting developments in decades hinting at a future where computer worlds become mesmerisingly immersive.

We also launched ButtonMasher, our new column about video games and gaming culture. But while technology is undeniably making our lives better, easier, and more entertaining, 2013 will be remembered as the year we learned that it brings a risk we hadn't fully realised.

Submarine internet cables are a gift for spooks

Shortly after the first news of the NSA's spying dragnet became public, we learned that the agency siphons information directly from the backbone of the internet

Meshnet activists rebuilding the internet from scratch

Worried about the NSA snooping on your email? Maybe you need to start creating your own personal internet

Throw off the spooks by disguising your web traffic

The NSA's massive dragnet could be ripped apart by tools that make it impossible to know what you are doing on your computer

ButtonMasher: DIY video game tools put you in control

In the first edition of our column about video games and gaming culture, New Scientist finds an exploding community of amateur gamers who are creating new games from the ground up

Digital shrinks find depressed faces and body language Movie Camera

Automatic systems that analyse gestures and facial expressions may soon be helping psychologists pick up the easily missed symptoms of depression

Beyond 3D printing: The all-in-one factory

3D printing not enough for you? Meet the device that's a self-contained manufacturing plant

Virtual reality: Get your head in the game

VR is making a comeback, fuelled by the Oculus Rift, a 3D headset that promises a mind-blowingly immersive experience

Multi-shot video can identify civil rights abusers

A video shot during a protest may look like hard evidence, but software that stitches together multiple perspectives helps ensure the full story comes to light

Making your own phone is easier than you might think

Tired of all phones looking the same? New Scientist learned that the best way to be unique is to build your own

Robot builders deliver architects' dreams Movie Camera

Unlike humans, robots have no problem building tremendously intricate designs that push the boundaries of modern architecture

Citizen cartographers fill the gaps in maps

People in the developing world are charting everything from slums to rural footpaths, providing online maps that can be crucial for urban planning or in times of disaster

Kindergarten coders can program before they can read

New Scientist sat in on a classroom where kids as young as 4 years old are learning programming as part of an effort to bolster computer science in schools

Google Glass has its electronic eye on health

Early adopters of the headset computer are using it to transform our view of medicine

Hacked Google Glass recognises finger gestures

Google's experimental Glass headset has been hacked to respond to a wearer's hand movements

Frugal science gets DIY diagnostics to world's poorest

From bicycle pumps to pressure cookers, researchers are turning common objects into ways of delivering healthcare to people in the developing world

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