Feedback: What would quantum agriculture be?

Feedback is our weekly column of bizarre stories, implausible advertising claims, confusing instructions and more

INCREDULITY followed Ruby Hills's alert on a course in New South Wales. The organisers proudly announced in March that "Dr Patrick MacManaway... will be conducting a Quantum Leap Level 1 workshop at Dubbo."

Regular readers will know that Feedback considers occurrence of the word "quantum" outside actual physics an indicator of fruitloopery: we were not disappointed. The twist is new: "MacManaway has produced some of the first scientific evidence of the effects of Subtle Energy in agriculture with yield increases in potatoes of 4%, 16%, 18%, 42% and 47% on five different varieties."

How would that work, then? "Subtle Energy is based," they say, "on frequencies which cannot be measured by conventional instrumentation but which can affect organisms at a cellular level."

We note that New South Wales officially emerged from a ...

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