Kill cattle not badgers to halt UK's TB epidemic

Cull cows, not badgers. If the UK wants to stop the spread of bovine tuberculosis, one drastic but highly effective option would be to cull entire herds of cows, just as it did to stop foot and mouth in 2001. Culling badgers only slows the disease, according to the most comprehensive modelling exercise yet to assess which control measures might work best.

Bovine TB is spreading. The number of newly infected herds has shot up from 1500 in 1998 to 5000 in 2010. Many farmers say badgers are to blame and want them culled, but trial culls did not work.

Now, a team led by Matthew Keeling of the University of Warwick, UK, has taken data on the spread of TB and cattle movements between 1998 and 2010, and modelled what would have happened if various measures had been tried in 2005. These included vaccination, culling of whole infected herds, a combination of these, and several others.

"Badger culling will have a fairly limited impact," says Keeling. The most effective policy is to cull entire herds if any cow tests positive for TB. That would cut the number of infected animals by 80 per cent in five years.

Culling badgers, meanwhile, would have reduced relative incidence by just 22 per cent over the five years. "You'd slow the increase rather than reverse the epidemic," Keeling says.

Find the superspreaders

But culling whole herds would mean killing 20 times as many cows as today's strategy of only killing infected ones. The UK farming minister George Eustice says such measures are not an option for industry. "What this paper proposes would finish off the cattle and dairy industry in this country," he says. "TB is devastating for our dairy and cattle farmers and [badger] culls will help get this disease under control along with blanket testing and removal of infected cattle, biosecurity measures, vaccination and cattle movement controls."

A spokeswoman for the Department for the Environment, Farming and Rural Affairs also dismissed as unworkable the proposal to slaughter what would amount to a quarter of a million uninfected animals.

Keeling stresses that the results are not a prescription for what will or will not work, but show the value of a range of potential measures. He points out, for example, that the study takes no account of the economic impacts of each measure, which should be evaluated before politicians, farmers and economists decide what course to take.

He also points out an unexpected finding which could help focus attempts to tackle the epidemic. He says that only 10 per cent of farms substantially spread the disease onwards. If the factors that create these "superspreader farms" can be identified, they could make efforts to control the disease more effective.

Journal reference: Nature, DOI: 10.1038/nature13529.

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