Today on New Scientist

NASA carbon sleuth will sniff out 'missing' emissions

Five years after the loss of the first Orbiting Carbon Observatory on launch, the probe's clone is ready to take a detailed look at our global carbon cycle

Acid-bath stem cell papers are finally retracted

Two Nature papers describing a startlingly simple way to create embryonic-like stem cells have been officially retracted

Zoologger: Meet the only animal with five legsMovie Camera

One of the world's best loved and iconic animals, the kangaroo, has been keeping a secret – it may be the only "pentapedal" animal

El Niño will make Indonesia's deforestation even worse

Not only is Indonesia deforesting faster than any other country, the coming El Niño looks set to take forest loss to record levels

Consciousness on-off switch discovered deep in brain

Zapping an area deep in our brains turns off consciousness – suggesting this is where perceptions are bound together into a cohesive experience

Longest-running experiment gets a fast forwardMovie Camera

An updated version of the famous study seeing how long it takes for pitch to drop lets students speedily investigate the divide between solid and liquid

Dr Death: The gruesome career of a Victorian poisoner

CSI it isn't, but Stephen Bates's The Poisoner paints a vivid portrait of the life and crimes of Victorian doctor-turned-serial killer William Palmer

'Flying saucer' airbag for Mars splashes down in Hawaii

An inflatable landing system has been successfully tested over the Pacific, and could one day bring humans safely down to the Red Planet's surface

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