Grandmaster Sam gets Kew's Intoxication season going (Images: David Stock)
From blue lotus to kola nut, just what does it take to get off your face in London's Kew Gardens?
Here's something you don't see often: disclaimers being handed out to the first-night visitors before they even receive a drink.
But then, it is no ordinary event and the organisers aren't taking any chances. The Plant Connoisseurs' Club, part of the Intoxication Season at London's Royal Botanic Gardens in Kew, is where you can get legally high. "Don't worry," says our host, Grandmaster Sam. "There has been some very intense health and safety."
Just as well. We were off on a journey into the strange world of intoxicating plants: flora ingested by humans for millennia for their stimulating, mood-enhancing or hallucinatory effects.
While this may conjure images of shamen drinking an ayahuasca brew, partygoers snorting lines of cocaine or rolling joints, it's not that simple. "Look around Western culture today and we are beset with legal stimulants and depressants at every turn," says Sam Bompas, one half of Plant Connoisseurs' Club organisers Bompas and Parr.
Quite right. How many coffees have you had today? Cups of tea? A beer, maybe? Or a cigarette? All good, legally sanctioned and taxable highs.
While Grandmaster Sam regales us with tales of far-flung cultures, strange hallucinatory experiences and ritualistic bonding over shared gourds of kava, Sam Bompas supplies the goodies to spice up our lives.
There's areca nut (picutred below), a peppery, barky stimulant derived from the areca palm (Areca catechu) and betel leaf (Piper betle) enjoyed by millions across Asia. Kola (Cola), a tropical African nut, is a source of caffeine in many soft drinks.
Before we decide on our menu of legal highs, our host brings trays of freshly prepared blue lotus tea. The pretty blue flowers of this relative of the lily (Nymphaea caerulea, see picture above) are smoked or brewed to produce a mildly sedative and psychoactive effect. After getting a whiff of its flowery, potpourri smell I wasn't expecting the earthy, slightly bitter, vegetable-like taste. Still, we compared notes and excitedly awaited the outcome.
The club is just one part of Kew's Intoxication season. As you'd expect from the world-renowned botanic garden, there is an "intoxicating" display of plants and fungi too. Tea, coffee, tobacco and tequila's blue agave (Agave azul) sit next to more unusual forms of potent plant life – salvia (Salvia divinorum), kava (Piper methysticum), peyote (Lophophora williamsii) and khat (Catha edulis) not to mention the toxic and famously delirium-inducing Datura plants.
The cannabis and khat plants are safely stored behind lock and key, and coca, the raw material for cocaine, is notable by its absence. Despite Kew's best attempts, coca was "too difficult to clear Home Office regulations", according to Monique Simmonds, head of the sustainable uses of plants group.
Yet, as she points out, plants aren't inherently good or bad, and their complex compounds and uses are scientifically interesting. Heroin is socially unacceptable, yet it derives from the opium poppy and chemically is just a tiny step away from codeine, morphine and other common opioid painkillers.
Clearly, then, there is a fine line between drugs for medicine and drugs for recreation – with some plants providing both.
And some have myriad uses, like cannabis (which also needs a special Home Office licence). One variety, hemp, is well known for its potential in paper, textiles, paint and plastics manufacturing. Recently researchers suggested hemp could even usurp graphene as the future material for super-capacitors, providing a low-cost, renewable raw material for energy storage. And in medicine, too, cannabis is a star, helping with everything from easing chemotherapy side effects and chronic pain to the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder.
Cannabis contains nearly 500 chemical compounds, 85 of which are unique to the plant, so there is a lot still to learn. Yet legal barriers can make legitimate scientific study difficult.
It wasn't that long ago that Coca-Cola contained actual cocaine, and opium dens were widespread in the 19th century. Georgian London's gin habit would put today's binge drinkers to shame, while Prohibition in the US had very mixed results. As Simmonds says: "If we looked back 50 to 100 years, it would be a different set of plants on display - coca, cannabis and opium might be the accepted ones."
Back in the Connoisseurs' Club, I was still waiting for the blue lotus hallucinations to kick in. But all I got was a mildly calming feeling, and it was hard to attribute this to anything beyond anticipation.
Moving on, it was time for cocktails at the Botanical Bar.
Nutmeg-infused rum, quince syrup and ginger ale, anyone? Nutmeg, it turns out, contains the psychoactive drug myristicin. Would this get me high? On second thoughts, no – it would take about two large tablespoons of nutmeg for any effect and, once the nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea subside, a delirious, paranoia-inducing trip takes over, lasting up to 48 hours with one hell of a hangover to follow.
Happily, with the sun setting over the secret lawn at Kew, the rum took hold. Success at last! I'm relaxed, chatty, inebriated and carefree.
It was a trip, of sorts, one straddling a controversial line, as Kew's director of public programmes, Gay Coley, acknowledged: "We are unashamedly using controversy to spark debate."
And with a whole season of events, with enticing titles like "Cannabis: pleasure, madness …and medicine?", "Did Coffee make modern politics?" and "Psilocybin, telepathy and religious experience" I suspect there is plenty more controversy to come.
Intoxication season Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, London, until 12 October
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