Today on New Scientist

Kew's Intoxication season: live the high life

From blue lotus to kola nut, just what does it take to get off your face in London's Kew Gardens?

Feedback: Bigger and bigger beasts

Great towering measurements, helping number the number helpers, now they know how many holes it takes… and more

Four ways you can see the multiverse

The multiverse, where every choice spawns many universes, sounds like a philosopher's fantasy, but these four experiments show it may be very real

Spacecraft duo beam back their first Mars snaps

In their first images, India's orbiter tweets a top-down view of the Red Planet while NASA's spacecraft shows four faces of Mars

Tumour traps: How to arrest cancer as it spreads

Some surgery to treat cancer can actually make it spread. But traps to mop up tumour cells as they infiltrate the body can boost chances of survival

Hotspots in India's tiger-trading network revealed

The traders in tiger parts prefer to smuggle their illegal wares via the nation's railway routes, reveals data on 40 years of poaching

Up to half of Earth's water is older than the sun

Modelling suggests much of the solar system's water comes from interstellar space, meaning many exoplanets could well have water too

Make tough tasks seem easier by zapping the brain

Can you trick yourself into feeling stronger? Yes, if you stimulate the brain in the right away

Ageing societies will be better for the planet

As lifespans rise and fertility rates fall, the ageing of Western industrial societies could help reduce carbon emissions

Cosmic inflation is dead, long live cosmic inflation!

The BICEP2 results hailed as demonstrating inflation in the early universe now seem to do the exact opposite, if they can be trusted at all

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