To make a little money, you might have to get your hands dirty. What we flush down the toilet could be a goldmine for anyone who finds the right way to process it.
When sewage reaches the treatment plant, chemicals and microorganisms are used to separate out some components like sugars and grease. About half of the remaining sludge becomes fertiliser, while the rest is incinerated or dumped in landfill.
But chemicals used in industrial mining could pull metals out of human waste streams, say Kathleen Smith of the US Geological Survey and her team. In a talk at the American Chemical Society meeting in Denver, Colorado, on 23 March, Smith presented the results of their attempts to do just this, using sewage from communities in the US Rocky Mountains.
There's good reason to think the approach could be profitable. Many household products, such as detergent and sunscreen, contain metal nanoparticles, and some plumbing can shed amounts of silver. Some alcoholic drinks even contain tiny gold flakes.
In their early work, the team did indeed find tiny amounts of gold – enough, they say, that it would be worth mining if present in rock at those levels.
That tallies with another study published earlier this year, by Paul Westerhoff at Arizona State University in Tempe. He found that the waste produced by one million Americans in a year would be worth about $13 million for its copper, iron, palladium and other metals.
"We recycle glass, we recycle paper, we recycle plastic," he says. "As these elements become harder to extract and cause more of an environmental footprint, it makes sense to think about where they are being consumed and ways to recover them."
Journal reference: Environmental Science & Technology, DOI: 10.1021/es505329q
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