Sushi parasite inspires worm test for cancer
Could worms be used to detect cancer early? Roundworms have been found to sniff out tumours, leading to hopes for a simple diagnostic test
Worst Ebola outbreak blamed on political dithering
A weak WHO, an international emergency declared too late and government secrecy about disease are being blamed for the slow response to Ebola
Europe's electricity grid sails through solar eclipse
Last week's eclipse put power grids to the test as solar output dipped and then rose suddenly, but no major problems were reported
Superbug risk from tonnes of antibiotics fed to animals
A side of superbugs with your steak? Farm animals are fed 63,000 tonnes of antibiotics a year, exacerbating the problem of antibiotic resistance
NHS game-changers: The true cost of living longer
With lifespan increasing, and a lack of research on how medical conditions interact in older people, an ageing society will bring many challenges
Norse legend? The Viking 'GPS' that relied on crystals
Nearly 50 years on, there's still no consensus on the intriguing theory that Viking sailors navigated by viewing the sky through crystal slabs
Hashtag election: Will it be Twitter wot won it?
More and more politicians are using social networks to engage with voters. What is the impact of the digital campaign, wonders Carl Miller
NHS game-changers: Growing gap between rich and poor
Tackling wealth inequality in the UK could do more than make life fairer – it could make it healthier too
Why healthcare success is so hard to replicate
Hospitals come up with great strategies for dealing with problems all the time, but there's no guarantee that other places will learn from their example
First aid for the healthcare of the future
The challenges facing the UK National Health Service go far beyond political wrangling. To tackle them we'll need to leap technological and ideological hurdles
California must ration water to avoid drought disaster
A NASA scientist says California must ration water and monitor groundwater use as severe drought continues
Is Shame Necessary? It can be in the right hands
Public shaming can force institutions to change their ways, finds Jennifer Jacquet – while Jon Ronson explores how it can lead to mob rule on the internet
Brain training may help people with ADHD to focus
Repeatedly training the brain to get better at specific tasks can boost attention levels in daily life, finds an analysis of a pool of 12 previous studies
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