Virtual hearts get to the crux of sudden cardiac death

Virtual human hearts beating on supercomputers are helping get to the bottom of the most mysterious of heart diseases – sudden arrhythmic death syndrome.

When someone dies suddenly and unexpectedly, there is often an underlying cardiac problem. If a post-mortem doesn't find one, sudden arrhythmic death syndrome (SADS) is recorded as the cause. SADS can result from a number of genetic conditions that affect the way electrical signals pass through the cardiac muscle making the heart beat. One day – often during physical exertion – the person's heart may begin to beat in a fast, uncontrolled way. This can kill them if their heart doesn't right itself quickly enough. Around 1.3 deaths in every 100,000 can probably be attributed to SADS, and the same genetic problems may also play a role in sudden infant deaths.

If someone has the genetic mutations, they can be treated with drugs or have a defibrillator implanted in their chest. But how do you work out who is at risk? Genetic tests can help but not everyone with the altered genes seems to have the syndrome. Electrocardiograms or ECGs can measure the heart's electrical activity, but exactly how features on the ECG relate to risk is not fully understood.

All in the t-wave

Enter the virtual heart. By running hundreds of genetically customised hearts on a supercomputer, each for many thousands of beats, Adam Hill and his colleagues from the Victor Change Cardiac Research Institute in Sydney, Australia, have cracked some of the secrets of SADS.

One sign that someone has the genetic condition that most commonly leads to SADS, known as long QT syndrome, is a distinctive bump or notched t-wave in their ECG readout. "For the past 30 years, that notched t-wave has been in the diagnostic criteria but nobody's known what's caused it," says Hill. "We show what causes it."

With the wealth of virtual data created by running the simulations, they were able to establish that the more extreme the bump in the ECG is, the higher a person's risk of dying. What's more, they found the main genes thought to cause the problem can be either amplified or compensated for by complex combinations of other genes.

Better diagnosis

"We show that the degree of t-wave notching is correlated with how much risk they are at," says team member Arash Sadrieh. "So person A can have the mutation [but his ECG shows] he's absolutely normal, so you don't need to do the complex surgery to prevent sudden cardiac death. And if his sister has a more notched t-wave, then she is at more risk."

It would have been impractical to use real hearts for this research as you'd need huge numbers of people with specific genetic combinations, all with their full genome sequenced, hooked up to an ECG for days.

Hill says the team has taken the virtual trial data, applied it to patient records of ECGs and found the finer grained analysis of the ECG led to more accurate diagnoses. They're also making progress using the simulations to distinguish between different types of long QT syndrome.

"The work is quite a milestone in terms of how thoroughly they've investigated this issue of the notched t-wave…and how you interpret it," says Peter Hunter from the University of Auckland in New Zealand, one of the world's leading cardiac modelling experts. "This has pushed it to a new level."

Journal Reference: Nature Communications, DOI: 10.1038/ncomms6069

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Today on New Scientist

Sync your sport to your body clock for a personal best

Larks and night owls perform drastically better if a sporting event is timed to suit their circadian rhythm

Cancer-warped skeletons imagined for building design

The extreme deformities caused by bone cancer push the human body to its limits. Our amazing ability to adapt could inspire future architecture

The world's wellness obsession has gone too far

Being urged to optimise every aspect of our lives to improve well-being is sometimes counterproductive, say André Spicer and Carl Cederström

Leak suggests big bang find was a dusty mistake

Details of a new analysis of last year's BICEP2 results have been accidentally leaked – and seem to show that claiming a gravitational wave discovery was jumping the gun

Feedback: Nice slice of fried man, Sir?

Sex-specific snack suspicion, when ads break the law, getting water from petrol and more

The bitcoin rush: Pioneers on the financial frontierMovie Camera

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Just four credit card clues can identify anyone

Without even knowing what someone bought, it's possible to pick their credit card history out of an anonymised pool thanks to the metadata collected by modern devices

Möbius strips of light made for the first time

A decade ago, physicists suggested that certain properties of light can twist into a one-sided loop – now there's proof

The Hard Problem is Stoppard's problem with science

After a long wait and a great track record transmuting science into art, Tom Stoppard's new play takes on the hard problem of consciousness – and loses

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Sync your sport to your body clock for a personal best

From diet to running shoes to volcanic crater training, there are lots of ways to maximise sporting performance. For the most committed, there might be another option: timing the activity to suit your body clock.

Natural early risers, or larks, hit peak performance around noon, according to a study that tested elite hockey players at different times of the day. The night owls among them did best at around 7 pm – irrespective of what time they got up that day.

It is now accepted that people can be divided into different "chronotypes", depending on what times they are naturally inclined to rise and go to bed. About a quarter of us are larks, another quarter are owls, with the rest in the middle.

Previous research has suggested that, on average, people generally do best at running and some other sports in the afternoon or evening. But Roland Brandstaetter of the University of Birmingham in the UK wondered if this could be affected by chronotype.

Retrain or rethink?

Brandstaetter and a colleague gave 20 hockey players numerous aerobic fitness tests over several weeks, randomised to six different times of the day. The players weren't told the purpose of the study.

The players' performance changed considerably over the day, in a pattern that depended on whether they were larks, owls or intermediates, as gauged by questionnaires.

The owls showed the most variation, performing 26 per cent worse at 7 am than at 7 pm. Larks and intermediates had less variation, with individual differences of 7.5 and 10 per cent.

Even a small performance advantage could mean the difference between winning and losing at professional level, points out Brandstaetter. He suggests that if athletes have to compete at a time that doesn't suit them, they should try to retrain their body clock into a different pattern. "They could benefit from adjusting their sleep-wake cycle," he says. "Every body clock can be adjusted."

For those of us with more choice, Brandstaetter suggests the opposite measure, changing your activity time to suit your body. "Let's say you're an extreme owl and your swimming club only has the pool early in the morning – then you would have a problem."

Journal reference: Current Biology, DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2014.12.036

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Cancer-warped skeletons imagined for building design

(Image: A project by Irene Cheng in collaboration with Dr Issam Hussain and Dr Francesco Proto)

This is what bone cancer looks like as it takes over the body – as interpreted by the artistic eye of Irene Cheng, who studies architecture at the University of Lincoln, UK.

Cheng analysed data from patients, acquired in a collaboration with Issam Hussain of the university's School of Life Sciences, showing how the cancer mutates bone structure over time – with extreme effects, as shown below in historical photos.

Cheng's project explores how the human body's adaptations to deformations could influence architecture. "It's not about trying to say that cancer is a good thing," she says. Rather, it's about learning from how the structure of the human body can accommodate such fast-growing, extensive changes – and what that could mean for buildings inspired by imperfection, adds Francesco Proto, who is supervising the project.

The project will culminate in April 2015 with a design for a building.

Proto, Cheng and colleagues previously won an honorary mention for their design for a new natural science museum in Berlin, Germany. That building was inspired by another extreme example of biological development: a butterfly's growth inside its cocoon.

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The world's wellness obsession has gone too far

Being urged to optimise every aspect of our lives to improve well-being is sometimes counterproductive, say two organisation researchers

Fitter, happier, more productive. If you need a wry slogan for the growing pursuit of wellness or well-being at every turn then Radiohead's lyric seems a good fit. And if there is a natural home for talking up wellness, then medicine may be it. American surgeon and writer Atul Gawande recently argued medics should not just ensure the health and survival of patients, they should also seek to enhance well-being. For Gawande, that means nothing less than "sustaining the reasons one wishes to be alive".

But medicine is far from the only walk of life to embrace this idea. It has crept into much of society. The UK's Office of National Statistics now measures national well-being to gauge policy impact. Museums justify their existence on the basis of their contribution to well-being. Each year, thousands of university students in the US sign voluntary "wellness contracts", pledging to abstain from anything vaguely unhealthy. You can even find such initiatives in prisons.

Perhaps most pervasive though are the growing number of companies, in the US and UK, that offer corporate well-being or workplace wellness programmes. In the US, around half of all employers with 50 or more staff offer such schemes.

It sounds like a good idea. But, given the enthusiasm with which they are promoted, are wellness programmes always wonderful? A body of research points to unexpected side effects and impacts that don't always match expectations.

Discussing disgust

For starters, there is evidence suggesting that paying attention to your happiness, a crucial part of well-being, can actually make you less happy. In one study, two groups watched a video that usually makes people happy – a figure skater winning a prize. Afterwards, participants filled in a questionnaire to assess happiness. The only difference was that before viewing the video, one group read a statement emphasising the importance of happiness and the other group did not. Those who did not read the statement were more happy after the video. Consciously focusing on our happiness can backfire.

An obsessive focus on wellness can also make us more judgmental, potentially worsening societal divisions. Those who highly value well-being tend to view those who don't come up to their high standards as "disgusting", even if the truth is they can't afford a personal yoga instructor or the latest lifelogging technology.

A fascinating stream of research in moral psychology has found that when feelings of disgust are triggered, we tend to rapidly make highly punitive moral judgements. For example, we are more likely to harshly judge people who "turn our stomach" and we ascribe morally unattractive traits to them, such as being lazy and untrustworthy.

While workplace programmes promise great things, they sometimes deliver disappointing results. For instance, some studies have found wellness initiatives only helped a small number of employees lose on average half a kilogram over a year. While any weight loss is not to be sniffed at, it is uncertain whether such modest results are worth the billions spent achieving them.

It is hard to argue against a healthy diet, regular exercise, not smoking and drinking in moderation. However, we say wellness can become a problem and deserves greater scrutiny when it is an unceasing command people feel they must live up to and it becomes a moral demand. When this happens, it can actually undermine the very thing it tries to promote.


André Spicer is a professor of organisational behaviour at Cass Business School, London, and Carl Cederström is associate professor in organisation theory at Stockholm University, Sweden. Their new book is The Wellness Syndrome (Polity)

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Leak suggests big bang find was a dusty mistake

Last year's big bang breakthrough has finally bitten the dust. In March last year, researchers using a telescope called BICEP2 at the South Pole made a splash when they claimed to have discovered primordial gravitational waves, a signal from the very early universe.

Now details of a new analysis of their results have leaked, and they seem to reveal that galactic dust is the likely cause of their observations.

The BICEP2 results were initially hailed as one of the biggest discoveries of the century. The telescope looked for swirls in the cosmic microwave background (CMB), the earliest light emitted in the universe, roughly 380,000 years after the big bang. These ripples were thought to be caused by gravitational waves, ripples in the very fabric of space-time, created a tiny fraction of a second after the big bang.

If confirmed, the detection would have suggested that the very early universe underwent a massively fast expansion, known as inflation, and perhaps even hinted at the existence of a multiverse. But teasing out this primordial signal is difficult, as swirls in the CMB could also be caused by galactic dust, and confidence had started to wane by the official publication of the BICEP2 results in June.

Twitter disappointment

Another experiment, the Planck satellite, has also gathered data on the CMB, and researchers are due to release their findings very soon. Additionally, the BICEP2 researchers have started taking data from a new telescope, the Keck Array. In September the two teams agreed to pool their unreleased data in the hope of clearing up the BICEP2 confusion.

Rumours earlier this week suggested their joint paper was due to be published in the coming days, but a leaked press release on a French official Planck site has already revealed the results. The page has since been taken down but was available in Google's cache. "It's been shown that the part played by the dust was significantly underestimated," says the release in French.

BICEP2's original claim rested on a certain parameter, r, which measures the size of a potential signal of primordial gravitational waves. The team originally measured r as between 0.16 and 0.20, but the combined data analysis gives an r of less than 0.13. That doesn't mean the waves aren't there, but it's not enough to claim a discovery.

Cosmologists took to Twitter to express their disappointment. "We're a bit bummed we don't get primordial gravitational waves to play with after all," said Katherine Mack of the University of Melbourne, Australia. "When the data retreat, theory moves boldly forward! Time to step up, early-universe theorists," said Sean Carroll of the California Institute of Technology.

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Feedback: Nice slice of fried man, Sir?

Feedback is our weekly column of bizarre stories, implausible advertising claims, confusing instructions and more

NEWS reaches Feedback of a grim, cold first Monday back at university, and a class introducing humanities graduate students to statistics. Our informant was distracted by her neighbour snacking on McCoy's crisps – and especially by the prominent legend on the packet: "MAN CRISPS".

Could this snack actually be deep-fried slices of man? If so, isn't there some sort of prior art claim from heirs of Mrs Lovett, proprietor of the pie shop supplied by demon barber Sweeney Todd? If the classmate wasn't munching on crispy fried slithers of male human, isn't there a trade descriptions issue here? And does the manufacturer have balancing plans for "woman crisps", or "dolphin crisps" for that matter?

The UK Post Office is pushing life insurance – by email, to John Whittle, dated 16 December 2014, offering ...

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The bitcoin rush: Pioneers on the financial frontier

Meet miners, outlaws and sheriffs all striving to get ahead in the volatile new world of virtual money

THE past year has seen a 21st century gold rush, and speculators have been falling over themselves for a piece of the action. The discovery of gold always brings a world in its wake and bitcoin – a virtual currency "mined" using a computer – is no exception.

There are miners chasing gold, crooks targeting the naive, black market traders operating outside the law and regulators trying to bring order to an upstart community.

Read on to meet some of the movers and shakers in this brave new world.

The coin rush (Image: Andrew Degraff)

In late 2013, bitcoin miner Dave Carlson feared for the safety of his business. His 5000 square metre warehouse in Wenatchee, Washington, was packed with as much high-tech computing equipment as he could source ...

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Möbius strips of light made for the first time

Twist a two-dimensional strip of paper then tape its ends together and it transforms into a one-dimensional loop. It's not magic; it's a Möbius strip. These mathematical structures show up everywhere from M.C. Escher drawings to electrical circuits, but almost never in nature. Now, a team of physicists have shown for the first time that light can be coaxed into a Möbius shape.

"Light can kind of turn one-sided and single-edged under certain conditions," says Peter Banzer of the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light in Erlangen, Germany.

Banzer and his colleagues were following up on predictions made by Isaac Freund at Bar-Ilan University in Israel, who first suggested in 2005 that light's polarisation, a property that describes how its electric field moves, could become twisted. If proved experimentally, the phenomenon could pave the way for fundamental studies of how light and matter interact, such as using light to trap tiny particlesMovie Camera for biomedical purposes.

Let's twist again

In 2010, Freund proposed a way to test this: prepare two polarised beams of light and allow them to interfere with each other in a particular way. The interference will cause the polarisation to twist, forming a Möbius strip.

Banzer's team scattered two polarised green laser beams off a gold bead that was smaller than the wavelength of the light. The resulting inference introduced a polarisation pattern with either three or five twists, giving it a Möbius-like structure.

"These results are the first (experimental) proof that polarisation Möbius strips really exist, which has been a decade-long question in the community," Banzer says. "These findings emphasise the richness of light and its properties."

"The study is a brilliant tour de force at the cutting edge of optical technology," says Freund. "The real significance of this study goes far beyond verifying a particular prediction, because it demonstrates that it is possible to measure the full three-dimensional polarisation structure of light."

Journal reference: Science, DOI: 10.1126/science.1260635

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Just four credit card clues can identify anyone

Drop the disguise: your metadata still gives you away. Four pieces of information is all that's needed to match individuals to their anonymised credit card records.

The findings suggest that tougher measures must be put in place to protect users' privacy, because real identities may be too tied in to the rich metadata, such as GPS coordinates, collected by modern devices.

Yves-Alexandre de Montjoye at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge and his team looked at three months of credit card records, scrubbed of personal information like names or account numbers, from 1.1 million people in an unidentified country. They wanted to know what it would take to match a person to their transactions.

Would it be possible to uncover which record was whose from information about where someone had gone on a few different days – say, from a tweet about dinner with friends, or an Instagram snap of a new top from a shopping trip?

For the most part, the answer was yes: the researchers found that for 90 per cent of people, just four pieces of information about where they had gone on what day was enough to pick out which card record was theirs.

Those four clues didn't have to include anything about what had been bought, although a guess at the approximate price of the transaction did sharpen their accuracy. Women and people with higher incomes were even easier to spot, perhaps because these groups had more diverse behaviour, making individuals distinct from their peers.

Identity by numbers

"We're building this body of evidence showing how hard it actually is to anonymise large sets of data like credit cards, mobile phones, and browsing information," says de Montjoye. "We really need to think about what it means to be make data truly anonymous and whether it's even possible."

The results align with similar experiments performed on supposedly anonymised data. In 2013, de Montjoye's team successfully identified 95 per cent of people from their mobile phone records. Another study, published on Tuesday by researchers at the University of Birmingham in the UK, replicated the results with GPS data collected by phones in New Hampshire and taxi cabs in San Francisco ( ).

Altogether, the research highlights how hard it is to make data anonymous, even for well-intentioned organisations that take steps to strip the data of personal information. Some have suggested using new tools – like de Montjoye's openPDS and the European Union's project – that allow users to control how much of their data third parties can see.

In the meantime, there is little consumers can do to protect themselves without forgoing common conveniences like mobile phones and credit cards entirely, says Lorrie Faith Cranor, a security expert at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh. "Short of that, whenever you're asked for data explicitly and you have the opportunity to say no, do it."

Journal reference: Science, DOI: 10.1126/science.1256297

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The Hard Problem is Stoppard's problem with science

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(Image: Johan Persson)

The Hard Problem by Tom Stoppard at the National Theatre, London, from 21 January, and screened live in selected UK cinemas

After a long wait and a great track record transmuting science into art, Tom Stoppard's new play takes on the hard problem of consciousness – and loses

As I got up to leave at the end of Tom Stoppard's new play, The Hard Problem, a man in the seat behind me was behaving rather strangely. Weeping and smiling at the same time, he was clearly undergoing some profound form of conscious experience.

Well, what a bit of luck for a reviewer. Here, under my nose, was a demonstration of the so-called "hard problem" of consciousness. Physical processes: sound and light were entering the man's ears and eyes and combining in some way in his brain to produce subjective feelings that only he could experience.

But why? Why do we experience things at all? This is the hard problem coined by philosopher David Chalmers back in the 1990s. It is ostensibly the subject of Stoppard's first new play in nine years, and the last to be directed by Nicholas Hytner as head of London's National Theatre.

In the case of the emotional man behind me, the answer turned out to be simple – on one level. He was the father of lead actor Olivia Vinall, who had been fabulous, pretty much carrying the play and appearing in almost every scene. What the man was displaying was overwhelming pride in his daughter's performance.

A real explanation of consciousness, of course, is by no means so easy to come by. But what was irritating about The Hard Problem was the weight it gave to the hard problem. A good chunk of neuroscientists and philosophers now think the problem has been overblown, for example Patricia Churchland or Giulio Tononi.

And to me there is more than a whiff of anti-science here, since it argues that we will never be able to explain the conscious experience. Indeed that feeling, that some things are beyond explanation, pervaded the play. One character even resorts to Hamlet's well-worn "there are more things in heaven and earth" line.

All that wouldn't matter if there was something else – a thrilling narrative or empathy with the characters – but these were sadly, and surprisingly, lacking.

I had been excited to see this play since I loved Stoppard's masterpiece Arcadia, which uses science, and particularly physics and mathematics, to infuse and inform a deeply affecting and profound script.

His touch in Arcadia is sublime, but in The Hard Problem we are served up science in ladles. Some parts even feel like slightly wittier rewrites of textbooks or sixth-form debates: not what you expect from a master like Stoppard.

For example, there is a lot of exposition about game theory and the prisoner's dilemma, natural selection and especially on how morality and altruism can arise. In fact, despite the play's title, the major concerns of the protagonist seem to be about evolutionary explanations of behaviour rather than about the nature of consciousness.

The story follows Hilary (played by Vinall), a young psychology student hoping to land a PhD position at the prestigious Krohl Institute for Brain Science. Her tutor Spike (Damien Molony) is a kind of caricature Richard Dawkins – though significantly more buff.

Most of the exposition takes place between these two, with Hilary putting forward the traditional arguments against a materialist explanation of the world, and Spike caustically rebutting them. Raphael's The Madonna and Child is, he says, better named "woman maximising gene survival". Scientists can't appreciate art, you see.

Stoppard clearly does want a dust-up. There is a great anti-science rant in Arcadia, but at the end you are still left amazed at his achievement, feeling you have been given a glimpse into some of the profound secrets of the universe. But with The Hard Problem it's different. You don't make much of an emotional connection with the characters, apart from Hilary, who has a moving subplot about a daughter she had to have adopted.

For me the attacks on science were unnecessary and ill-formed. "Where in the brain is metaphor happening?" asks Hilary. "Where is accountability and free will?" These don't show up in a fMRI scan, she says. In fact metaphor may well show up in scans and so do all sorts of interesting aspects of our inner lives, including areas where we operate theory of mind, the ability to see another person's point of view.

No one is saying that brain scans will explain consciousness, but I can't understand those who seem to want to mock what neuroscientists are discovering. Some people are afraid that we lose something if we "reduce" aspects of our inner lives to blobs on a brain scan – in the case of metaphors to a location in the right inferior frontal gyrus. I think we gain something.

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Today on New Scientist

Data archaeology helps builders avoid buried treasure

Finding a boat where you want to put your building can be costly. A data analytics start-up will help companies guess what's in the ground before they dig

Portable mind-reader gives voice to locked-in people

Once only possible in an MRI scanner, vibrating pads and electrode caps could soon help locked-in people communicate on a day-to-day basis

Zoologger: Judo spider finds armoured foe's Achilles heelMovie Camera

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The Queen Elizabeth Prize for engineering recognises the huge contribution engineers make to our everyday lives, says The Duke of Edinburgh

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Data archaeology helps builders avoid buried treasure

IN 2010, when builders were excavating the site of the former World Trade Center in New York, they stumbled across something rather unusual: a large wooden boat, later dated to the 1700s.

Hitting archaeological remains is a familiar problem for builders, because the land they are excavating has often been in use for hundreds, if not thousands, of years.

Democrata, a UK data analytics start-up, wants to help companies guess what's in the ground before they start digging. Using predictive algorithms, their new program maps where artefacts might still be found in England and Wales, in order to help companies avoid the time and cost of excavation. "It's an expensive problem to have once you've started digging," says Geoff Roberts, CEO of Democrata.

Archaeological services can amount to between 1 and 3 per cent of contractors' total construction cost. "We wanted to bring data science in as an added tool, so humans involved in the process could use it to understand what would likely be found," says Roberts.

The Democrata team scoured documents from government departments such as the Forestry Commission, English Heritage and Land Registry to find out what the land was used for in the past, for example, and about known archaeological sites. This included "grey literature", the massive set of unpublished reports written by contractors every year.

With the aid of a supercomputer, they developed models that can pinpoint where treasures are likely to be hidden underground. For instance, land close to water, tin mines or sites of religious significance was ranked more highly than land elsewhere. Other factors like the local geology, animal and plant life also contributed to the score.

This week, Democrata will present the program to engineering companies and the government to hear their feedback.

Henry Chapman at the University of Birmingham, UK, says the tool may impede new discoveries in archaeology. "If you think about the number of archaeological fieldwork excavations that take place purely for trying to find out about the past, that's a very small amount compared to all of the excavations done before commercial development," he says.

This article appeared in print under the headline "How to avoid buried treasure when you dig"

Issue 3006 of New Scientist magazine

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Portable mind-reader gives voice to locked-in people

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Once only possible in an MRI scanner, vibrating pads and electrode caps could soon help locked-in people communicate on a day-to-day basis

YOU wake up in hospital unable to move, to speak, to twitch so much as an eyelid. You hear doctors telling your relatives you are in a vegetative state – unaware of everything around you – and you have no way of letting anyone know this is not the case. Years go by, until one day, you're connected to a machine that allows you to communicate through your brain waves. It only allows yes or no answers, but it makes all the difference – now you can tell your carers if you are thirsty, if you'd like to sit up, even which TV programmes you want to watch.

In recent years, breakthroughs in mind-reading technology have brought this story close to reality for a handful of people who may have a severe type of locked-in syndrome, previously diagnosed as being in a vegetative state. So far, most work has required a lab and a giant fMRI scanner. Now two teams are developing devices that are portable enough to be taken out to homes, to help people communicate on a day-to-day basis. The technology might also be able to identify people who have been misdiagnosed.

People with "classic" locked-in syndrome are fully conscious but completely paralysed apart from eye movements. Adrian Owen of Western University in London, Canada, fears that there is another form of the condition where the paralysis is total. He thinks that a proportion of people diagnosed as being in a vegetative state – in which people are thought to have no mental awareness at all – are actually aware but unable to let anyone know. "The possibility is that we are missing people with some sort of complete locked-in syndrome," he says.

Owen's group and others are on a mission to give a voice to as many such people as possible. He is also asking ethicists how to respond if such people, once they can communicate, express a wish to die (see "What if they want to die?").

People most often enter a vegetative state after emerging from a coma. Instead of fully awakening, they enter a twilight zone between the two states. Their eyes may sometimes open, but their gaze wanders randomly and they do not respond to attempts to communicate, a key measure of consciousness. There is no official tally, but Derick Wade, a neurological rehabilitation consultant at Oxford University Hospitals has estimated that there are about 6000 people in the UK in a persistent vegetative state.

Owen's group has previously shown that a proportion of these people can in fact understand and follow instructions. The group made headlines in 2010 when they demonstrated this using an fMRI scanner, which shows brain activity. They asked people to imagine they were playing tennis or walking around their home. Not only did the scans show that about one in five of those tested could think about the different activities on cue, but three people so far have been able to use the different patterns of brain activity that these thoughts produced to answer simple yes or no questions.

One man tested, for instance, who had been classed as in a vegetative state for 12 years after a car crash, correctly answered questions about his name and those of his carer and a relative. He went on to signal that he was not in pain – and that he liked watching ice hockey on TV. "They were important questions for his family," says Owen. "It's about quality of life."

Brain scanning is a laborious process, though, so it is no good for helping people communicate frequently or easily. The size and cost of fMRIs mean that most care homes do not have them. To make the technology more accessible, Owen's team has been developing a version of the technique that uses an electrode cap to record the brain's electrical signals, or EEG. Because an EEG can only read surface brain activity, they had to find different mental tasks. Their first approach was to ask people to think about squeezing a hand or wiggling their toes.

The team showed in 2011 that three out of 16 people classed as being in a vegetative state could generate discernibly different patterns of brain activity in response to these commands. But Owen thinks this could still miss some people with awareness, as even people without brain injuries find the task difficult: one quarter of healthy volunteers he tested couldn't do it. "It's quite hard to imagine squeezing your hands," he says.

Now he has a new version, which involves placing vibrating devices on someone's arms, and asking them to pay attention to one vibrator or the other as they are asked questions, Owen told the Barts Neuroscience Symposium in London last week.

Focusing on sensory information like vibration seems to be easier to read on an EEG than imagined movements, he says. "Tactile stimulation works very well." Still, it's early days and Owen's work is unpublished as yet. "We have had some successes," is all he will say for now.

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Zoologger: Judo spider finds armoured foe's Achilles heel

Zoologger is our weekly column highlighting extraordinary animals – and occasionally other organisms – from around the world

Species: Loxosceles gaucho

Habitat: Human-made or disturbed natural environments in Brazil and Tunisia

In a fight between an armoured soldier and an unarmed opponent, who would win? When it comes to the recluse spider the answer might surprise you. Using its wits and speed, it can kill and eat one of its toughest prey: another arachnid, the armoured harvestman.

Harvestmen have a hard exoskeleton that protects them against several spiders, which are their main predators alongside birds and amphibians. Rodrigo Willemart from University of São Paulo, Brazil, and his colleagues found that even large predator spiders have difficulty piercing this armour.

For the attacker to have a half-decent chance, it needs to pin its prey between its fangs. "But this rarely happens, and usually both fangs slide on the surface of the harvestman's body," says Willemart.

Spiders have been seen attacking and eating harvestmen in the wild, but there are so few observations that harvestmen are generally left off lists of their frequent meals.

Dressed like Batman

"Harvestmen are somehow successful in avoiding predation from spiders, and it is well known many harvestman species exhibit several lines of defence," says Glauco Machado, also from University of São Paulo.

Those defences range from feigning death, which puts off most predators that feed on live prey, to releasing chemical irritants to repel attackers.

But Willemart and his colleagues found that armoured harvestmen seldom go for the chemical option, presumably because these compounds are costly to make. Instead, they rely on their exoskeleton for protection. But this backfires when recluse spiders exploit flaws in the armour's design.

Machado likens it to a Batman suit. When Batman asked for a more flexible suit, his business manager, Mr Fox, told him that more movement would imply more exposure to weapons such as knives, he says. "Of course, this lesson is relevant not only for the prey, but also for the predators," says Machado.

Willemart and his team found carcasses of harvestmen in the webs of recluse spiders in Brazil. These successful hunters were then brought to the lab, where 31 out of 38 spiders found a way to kill and then eat the harvestmen offered. So how do they do it?

Judo manoeuvre

The recluse spider carefully approaches and repeatedly feels out the harvestman with its own legs, looking for weak areas. The recluse spider can outrun any escape attempt, and may then do what Willemart likens to a judo move, pinning the harvestman's back to the ground. Finally, it delivers the death blow: a series of poisonous bites in the exact areas not shielded by armour.

"Recluse spiders are exceptional in that they do not try to pierce through the armour. They simply avoid it and bite the soft parts of the harvestman," says Willemart.

Although we now know how recluse spiders prey on harvestmen, much remains to be discovered.

"Do they use this strategy for all arthropod prey?" asks Eileen Hebets at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln. "Is this targeted biting behaviour learned? Is it innate?"

If this is a learned behaviour, Hebets suggests researchers can explore how they learn it in the first place and remember it for future use. She says spiders are great subjects for lab study of mechanisms of complex behaviours in animals, as they are easy to catch and exhibit complex behaviour themselves.

Journal reference: Animal Behaviour, DOI: 10.1016/j.anbehav.2014.12.025

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Second blow to the head for effects of brain zapping

Researchers who threw a bucket of cold water over brain stimulation science last year have done it again.

In November, they found that transcranial direct current stimulation (tCDS) – which involves applying current to the brain to alter how likely the neurons are to fire – has no consistent physical effect. Now it seems the same may apply to its effect on the brain's information processing.

In recent years tCDS has been shown to improve everything from memory to mathematical ability in healthy volunteers and has even found its way into commercial, performance-enhancing products. But according to Jared Horvath and his colleagues at the University of Melbourne in Australia, it might not be all that.

Zap goes the effect

The team pooled the results of more than 400 studies that reported a change in cognitive skills following a session of tDCS.

"Most studies have more than one outcome measure, such as accuracy, speed, errors made and so on," explains Horvath. And while one study may show, for example, improved accuracy on a memory task after tDCS but no effect on speed or errors, another memory study may show improved speed, with no effect on accuracy or errors. When put together they cancel each other out. This pattern played out in studies of memory, processing speed and mathematical ability, Horvath found.

Roi Cohen Kadosh, a neuroscientist at the University of Oxford who has studied the effects of tDCS on mental arithmetic, is far from convinced by this argument. "My feeling is that it is very premature to do what they did," he says. "They did have a large sample size, but they fractured it so that they are comparing the results of three or four studies and expecting to see something meaningful. It's the easiest thing in science to not find results," he says.

Background noise

He is also unconvinced by the team's assertion that most studies fail to take account of fluctuations in our cognitive prowess that happen over a period of hours or days and might affect results more than a short sharp zap in the head. Horvath says these may be influencing or even driving the documented effects, but are not controlled for in most studies. Cohen Kadosh says they are "not major factors".

There is one thing they both agree on, however. That there isn't nearly enough information yet to work out what is going on. "This is still a young field of research so we still need to be really careful when we interpret the results from tDCS. The real results will come when we have enough data to make meaningful conclusions," say Cohen Kadosh.

Horvath agrees. "I'm not saying tDCS does nothing… but neither am I saying tDCS does something. I am merely saying that we do not know and the research to date is such that we can't conclusively say anything. We need to return to basic, systematic, rigorous research that tweaks one variable at a time."

Whatever the ultimate outcome, if you like your science cut and dried, now probably isn't the time to order a home tDCS machine.

Journal reference: Brain Stimulation, DOI: 10.1016/j.brs.2015.01.400

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Mismatched ants show size doesn't matter to friends

(Image: Tom Fayle)

Designing your utopian ant farm? Be sure to stock it with different-sized beasties to help them get along.

Fern-dwelling ants can vary tremendously in size, as shown by the happy couple pictured: the huge (by ant standards), 3-millimetre-long Polyrhachis worker dwarfs the 0.7-millimetre Pheidole worker visible near its front left foot.

And size matters in the ant world. Tom Fayle of Imperial College London and colleagues studied colonies living high up in the rainforest canopy in Borneo and found that ants of similar stature tended not to be seen together.

When the researchers orchestrated fern invasions by ants of different sizes in the lab, they found that the resident ants tended to repulse interlopers of the same size as themselves, even throwing them off the edge of the fern. But markedly smaller or bigger ants were left to make themselves at home.

This is probably because ants of similar sizes compete for the same resources, such as food or nesting places.

Journal reference: Ecology Letters, DOI: 10.1111/ele.12403

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Multibillion-dollar race to put internet into orbit

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The next-generation internet could come from above, with fleets of satellites delivering broadband to under-served areas of the world

THE race is on to build a new kind of internet. A host of companies and billions of dollars are in play, with the ultimate goal of ringing the planet with satellites that will allow anyone, anywhere, to get online at broadband speeds.

Presently, satellite internet relies on spacecraft that are in geosynchronous orbit, travelling at the same speed as Earth rotates. But while this ensures the satellites are always in the same spot above Earth, it means there is a large time lag in the service, as radio waves take a quarter of a second to make the round trip up to a geosynchronous satellite and back. Added to the time for the other trips your data must take across the rest of the internet, the lag becomes unworkable for real-time applications like video or voice chat (see diagram).

To speed up the service, firms are looking at using satellites closer to Earth. This month, Virgin Galactic and chip-maker Qualcomm announced their backing of a venture called OneWeb. This plans to put 648 satellites in orbit about 1200 kilometres above Earth's surface, where the round trip time for radio waves is just a few thousands of a second, fine for any online application. SpaceX immediately announced its own plan to do the same, building and launching 4000 satellites to a similar altitude. That would more than double the number of satellites in orbit.

The race has attracted more than just newcomers. Iridium Communications, based in Virginia, has provided satellite telephone services and low-bandwidth internet since the late 1990s. Its existing network of 66 satellites is set to be replaced by a new one called Iridium NEXT. Due to start launching this year, the new satellites will be capable of delivering high-speed internet on a par with what OneWeb and SpaceX envisage.

And O3b, a sister company to OneWeb, already has 12 satellites at an altitude of 8000 kilometres. The firm provides connectivity to Colombia, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, South Sudan and Papua New Guinea.

Even internet giant Google has got in on the rush to space, investing $1 billion in SpaceX's venture. The move is motivated by net neutrality concerns, says Kerri Cahoy, an aerospace engineer at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. If the internet service providers that rule the physical infrastructure of the internet start charging web services to deliver content to users, the thinking goes, an alternative route to customers via satellites will be invaluable.

It's not the only reason. "It's a very interesting combination of motivations," says Cahoy. "Some of these guys are fuelled by ads. The more eyes they reach and more products they convince people to buy, the more business. There's motivation to get commerce to everyone, even in underserved remote areas."

Will the space around Earth become crowded with all these satellites vying to route our data? "Space is big," says Cahoy. "I'm not worried about the physical interaction of the satellites as much as what they're using for the transmission. If they're using radio waves, those beams will have areas of overlap and interference."

Beaming down

Radio transmission is the most common way to communicate between satellites and Earth. However, as anyone who has had trouble with their wireless router knows, working with radio waves is finicky. So Cahoy and colleagues are working on using light to transfer data instead.

Easier to focus and send over long distances, laser signals could make it possible to build smaller, lower powered satellites that can still talk to the ground easily. "Radio has been the de facto," says Cahoy, "but there are links in the infrastructure that could easily be optical."

Miniaturisation and large drops in the cost of satellite components are boosting the push to space, says James Cutler at the University of Michigan. These have combined to increase access to orbit as never before. "I've got students that will leave with a master's and have built and launched five or six spacecraft," says Cutler. "That's never happened before."

Companies like O3b and SpaceX are planning to launch internet satellites with masses of hundreds of kilograms, but Cutler says those of the future could be closer to 5 or 10 kilograms. Antenna weight can be brought down by using antennas that unfurl themselves in space, like those being developed by Sergio Pellegrino at the California Institute of Technology. This means antennas of similar size to today's can be made of lighter materials as they will only have to support their own weight in microgravity, rather than on Earth's surface.

Cutler says satellite internet will really take off if companies make their equipment small enough to fit in Cubesats – small, lightweight satellites that can piggyback on the launches of other vehicles. "That way every rocket that goes up is kicking off Cubesats," he says, with each small orbiter perhaps holding only a fraction of a functional communications rig.

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Twinkle telescope to check out exoplanet climate

TWINKLE, twinkle little star, we're trying to figure out what your exoplanets are. That's the idea behind a proposed UK-led space telescope called Twinkle that will analyse known alien worlds to better understand them.

There are over 1800 known exoplanets, and both NASA and the European Space Agency plan to launch dedicated planet hunters in 2017 to find more.

But astronomers aren't content to just collect exoplanets, says Giovanna Tinetti of University College London, they want to know more about them. So she and her colleagues propose Twinkle – so called because it will watch for a dip in light as the planet passes in front of its star – to observe light filtering through known planets' atmospheres to work out what gases they contain.

The spacecraft is being designed by UK firm Surrey Satellite Technology, and a number of UK universities are already on board, but the team is still looking for funding. They aim to launch in the next three or four years – much faster than most space missions.

This article appeared in print under the headline "UK space telescope"

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Cells from stressed-out mice act as an antidepressant

WHAT doesn't kill you makes you stronger, at least when it comes to stress and immune cells. Mice that received a cocktail of immune cells from bullied mice appeared to experience a mood boost. The unexpected discovery may have implications for treating depression.

We know that prolonged bouts of stress take their toll on the immune system. That leaves us susceptible to illness, which in some cases can lead to depression.

Most research on the link between immune health and mood has focused on the innate branch of the immune system – the cells that mount the first response to pathogens, says Miles Herkenham at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland. His team wondered if there might also be a role for the adaptive branch of the immune system, which "learns" about a pathogen in order to respond rapidly the next time it appears.

To find out, the team introduced an aggressive competitor mouse into the cages of male mice. "These mice are like bullies," says Herkenham. Two weeks later, the bullied mice seemed depressed: they cowered in dark corners and seemed uninterested in the scent of a female.

The team extracted their adaptive immune cells and injected them into another set of mice bred to lack these cells. This meant that the recipient mice essentially acquired the adaptive immune system of the bullied ones.

If anything, Herkenham thought the recipients would become depressed, too. But the opposite happened: the cells appeared to have "antidepressant-like effects", he says. The mice spent more time exploring open areas and were more interested in females compared to similar mice that didn't receive the injection (Journal of Neuroscience, DOI: 10.1523/jneurosci.2278-14.2015).

The team also injected the cells into a strain of mice known for their unresponsiveness. "These mice are rarely used in research because they don't do anything – they just sit in a corner," says Herkenham. The mice were soon running around, exploring their surroundings with abandon. "It was like a personality change," he says.

Herkenham thinks that adaptive immune cells may cope with stress by building up a sort of mood-boosting resilience, although he doesn't know how this happens. What's unclear is why the donor mice didn't eventually become better at coping with their bullies, and why chronically stressed people often have weak immune systems.

In these cases, the adaptive immune system appears to be held back from exerting its beneficial effects – and the innate branch of the immune system may be to blame, says Herkenham. It's already known that mice which receive a transplant of cells from the innate immune system can show symptoms of anxiety and depression. Perhaps the two arms of the immune system are in effect battling it out to dominate mood.

George Slavich at the University of California, Los Angeles, says it would be premature to call the adaptive immune system "antidepressive". "The immune system is extremely complex and these two branches interact in many ways," he says.

The team now hope to disentangle what is going on and explore whether reprogramming adaptive immune could hint at a new treatment for depression.

This article appeared in print under the headline "How ironic: eau de stress can be an antidepressant"

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