Zoologger is our weekly column highlighting extraordinary animals – and occasionally other organisms – from around the world
Species: Poecilia reticulata
Habitat: The tropical fresh waters of northern South America and the southern Caribbean.
The excitement of the new. The attraction of the exotic. Sometimes it's nice to have a change.
This is a feeling female guppies know all too well. After being courted by one male, a female will shift her preference to males with markedly different appearances in as little as 7 minutes. Female guppies have no fixed type, it seems.
Male guppies come in a wide variety of coloured patterns – spots, streaks and irregular patches of a wide palette of colours, including black, orange, blue, green and violet. And it pays to stand out from the crowd: the rarer or more novel a male's colour patterns, the higher his chances of mating success.
To test whether female guppies really are attracted to something a bit different, Kimberly Hughes of Florida State University in Tallahassee and colleagues introduced single females to a group of four males, like the fishy equivalent of a cocktail party with too many male guests. Within these four, there were two types of body pattern, with two fish belonging to each type. While the two pattern types were very different from each other, the two fish that shared the similar pattern looked pretty alike.
Like an aquatic reality dating show, the researchers then peeked in on the action, as the males took turns to court the female. On the first day, females showed a clear preference for males that looked different to the previous male who had courted her, a change in taste that took about 7 minutes. The females were less interested in males who looked similar to the fish who had just attempted to chat her up.
Have we met before?
"There are a few hypotheses about why females would display such a preference," says Hughes. One explanation could be that females are trying to get as diverse a selection of genetic fathers for her offspring as possible, as judged by varied external markings. "It's possible for multiple males to fertilise a female's eggs," says Hughes. DNA testing has shown that a single brood of baby guppies can be sired by up to 12 different fathers.
Alternatively, the female might be trying to avoid inbreeding with a male relative by avoiding whatever looks familiar to her. "In the wild, if guppies do not move around much, females can end up living in the same pools with their brothers and sons," says Hughes. "If a male from upstream or downstream then disperses into the female's pool, he is likely to have an unfamiliar colour pattern, and he is also likely to be less related to the female than the males that are more familiar to her."
Or perhaps it's just a quirk of their fishy brains. It is possible that a female's ability to tell individuals apart might not be perfect, suggests Anne Houde of Lake Forest College in Illinois, who also worked on the study. She says a female may become tired of one male, and if the next male looks very similar, she might not realise he is a different fish.
A fleeting attraction
But the females' tastes for novelty did not last. On day two of the experiment, their behaviour changed once again. They showed no difference in attraction to similar and different males, perhaps because the four males had all become too familiar and their novelty had worn off.
"Our hypothesis is that after 24 hours, all the males had become familiar to the females," says Hughes. As a result, they would no longer seem novel and like a hot mating prospect.
The opposite might instead be true: after this time period, the females could better recognise and distinguish between the different males, making the immediate attraction of a fresh face less important. Houde compares this effect to teaching a class of new students, which at first are hard to tell apart except for a few distinctive individuals, but who become easier to recognise and distinguish between over time.
Journal reference: Ethology, DOI: 10.1111/eth.12313
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